Why Regenerative Economics is the Future

Mechanistic and detached from life’s creative web of interactions, the conventional model of economic development is failing our societies on all counts. What would an organic view of the economy look like?

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Everything Is Connected

Natural sciences regularly provide new data showing that the world exists as an interconnected system. This lays the ground for a post-capitalist ethic, reflected in the long-ignored wisdom of indigenous people.

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Pathways to a Post-Capitalist World

Pathways to a Post-Capitalist World: Drawing of a man behind a wall hiding a beautiful and sunny landscape.

Organized around exchange-value, not use-value, the capitalist system is over-productive and steadily worsening a multi-faceted ecological crisis. Is a post-growth, post-capitalist world conceivable?

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Myth in the Making

For better or for worse, myths have always been used to cement societies. What was the effective role of the “War on Terror” narrative after 9/11 and why is the American public so prone to endorse myth making?

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Democracy Incorporated, by Sheldon Wolin

Sheldon S. Wolin

An unprecedented combination of corporate and state power has progressively shaped itself up in the U.S. after WWII, characterized by Sheldon S. Wolin as “Inverted Totalitarianism.” What is behind this concept?

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Get Savvy with Systems

If supply and demand equilibrium were an economic “law,” the 1929 and 2008 financial crises would have never existed. Rather than ready-made theories, economics needs the practical background provided by systems thinking.

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See the Big Picture

“All the world’s a stage,” said Shakespeare. Along with a new role for Market and State, new characters such as Household, Commons, Society, and Earth are required on stage in the 21st-century economics’ play.

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